Online Symposium: Butoh Diaspora
(134 minutes)

High profile Japanese Butoh dancers now based in different parts of the world come together in this online symposium to discuss the current affairs of Butoh around the world. Tadashi Endo will be joining from Göttingen (Germany), Oguri from Los Angeles (USA), Yuko Kaseki from Berlin (Germany), Atsushi Takenouchi from Tuscany (Italy), Toshi Tanaka from Sao Paulo (Brazil) and Yumi Umiumare from Melbourne (Australia). A unique opportunity to see how different cultures perceive Butoh, from the people who are out there today.

Having become well known around the world, Butoh has developed in different directions in different parts of the world, but the overall picture is unclear. This symposium is an attempt to capture this “something” we call Butoh, this phenomenon that transforms beyond the imagination, regardless of where we are in the world. Join us for this “Butoh Diaspora” of Japanese Butoh artists coming together online.


Photo by Udo Razdkowski

Tadashi Endo

Based in Göttingen. Moved to Germany in 1970, and after studying at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna, worked as an actor, director and choreographer in theatres throughout Germany. He began dancing in 1980, and Butoh after meeting Kazuo Ohno in 1989. Founded the Butoh centre “MAMU” in 1992, and held the first “MAMU Butoh & Jazz” festival the same year. He has appeared on television, in films and operas. In recent years he has been to the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and more, making works with local dancers and actors.

Photo by Miles-Ciro Hurtado


Based in Los Angeles. Joined Tatsumi Hijiata’s Asbestos-kan in 1984. Participated in the 5th Body Weather Farm with Min Tanaka’s company Mai-Juku in 1985. Moved to the United States in 1991and founded Body Weather Laboratory-Los Angeles, which continues with the help of public funding. Founded ARCANE Collective in 2009. He also teachers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Bennington College.

Photo by Barbara Dietl

Yuko Kaseki

Based in Berlin. Studied Performing Art at HBK Braunschweig under the late Anzu Furukawa. Founded cokaseki in 1995. She has performed solo, duo and ensemble performances and improvisations in 30 countries around the world, mainly in Europe. Her method for performance and improvisation is based on Butoh, and she uses this to create poetic works with vivid imagery using objects, text and soundscapes on the theme of a contradictory modern society.

Photo by Georges Karam

Atsushi Takenouchi

Based in Tuscany. Joined Hoppo Butoh-ha in 1980. Appeared in Taka Zashiki choreographed by Tatsumi Hijikata. Started a solo career in 1986. Began his Jinen Butoh practice in 1986, and toured over 600 places in Japan. Learned the spirit of Butoh from Kazuo and Yoshito Ohno. In 2002 he moved to Europe and began holding performances and workshops in various countries. Starred in the film Ridden by Nature, which won 36 film awards. He began his Butoh school in Tuscany in 2015.

Photo by Fábio Pazzini

Toshi Tanaka

Based in Sao Paulo. After studying Fine Art as a teenager, he encountered Butoh through Japan-FLUXUS and rock band TACO. Around the same time, he was part of a voice performance unit with Hiroshi Kawani called Mouthpiece. Was part of Nobuo Harada’s Seiryu-kai from 1981to 1984. Moved to Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1994. Formed the group Fu Bu Myo In in 1996. Began fugaku performances with Ciça Ohno in 2003. Currently he is working on a theme of writhing bodies in South America. ]

Photo by Gregory Lorenzutti

Yumi Umiumare

Based in Melbourne. Studied classical ballet and modern dance. She joined Dairakudakan in 1989, and after touring with them in Australia, moved to Melbourne in 1993. Director of the Butoh OUT! Butoh cabaret festival. She has been involved in numerous projects with refugees, Aboriginal communities and people with disabilities. In recent years, her work has focussed not only on Butoh, but also “dance”, “tea” and “spirit”.


Photo by Maiko Miyagawa

Dai Matsuoka

Dai Matsuoka has been performing with Sankai Juku since 2005, and has appeared in some of their major works including Kinkan Shonen, Tobari, Unetsu and ARC. Director of LAND FES since 2011, a festival that invites the audience to watch music and dance performances as they walk around the city. He has been an instructor for the Scramble Dance Project in Odawara since 2018, in which both people with and without disabilities create dances together. He also runs BUTOH CHOREO LAB, an online platform with video lessons by high-profile Butoh dancers.